Latin poems to know and love.

Georgics Book 4, lines 531 - 558

Aristaeus’s bees

by Virgil

Nate, licet tristes animo deponere curas.

Aristaeus learns how to atone for his guilt and recover his bees

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Metamorphoses Book 2, lines 178 - 216

Phaethon, continued

by Ovid

Ut vero summo despexit ab aethere terras

Phaethon's disastrous ride in the chariot of the Sun continues

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Metamorphoses Book 2, lines 301 - 332

Phaethon, concluded

by Ovid

Dixerat haec Telllus: neque enim tolerare vaporem

Jupiter's intervention finally brings Phaethon's disastrous chariot-ride to a close

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