Dido loves Aeneas, the Trojan stranger. Virgil tells the story here.

Hear Horace’s welcome to his old army comrade Pompeius, with whom he fought – on the wrong side – at the Battle of Philippi. Augustus has magnanimously restored Pompeius’s civic rights, allowing him to return to Italy, and Horace is cracking out the wine in celebration.
Today we publish a new selection of poems by Latin authors to hear in Latin and follow in English. See the selection here.

Mercury gets into formal dress to bring a stern message to Aeneas, visiting his Grandfather, Atlas, on the way. No wonder Aeneas will be startled. Virgil closely echoes Homer, but adds touches from his own imagination which bring Mercury, the shepherd of the souls of the dead, to disturbingly vivid life. Hear the story here.