Struck by a terrible storm plotted by Juno, the arch-enemy of Troy, Aeneas has reached the north coast of Africa with a mere remnant of his fleet, of which fourteen ships are missing. Exploring, he meets someone who appears to be a Phoenician girl, dressed for hunting. In this disguise, Aeneas’s mother, Venus, tells him that in this land the Phoenician Queen Dido, widowed and driven from her homeland, is founding a new city. She also interprets the sight of fourteen swans escaped from an eagle as a favourable oracle about his missing ships. Despite the good news, Aeneas is distressed at the separation that seems forever set between himself and his immortal mother.
See the illustrated blog post here.
To follow the story of Aeneas in sequence, use this link to the full Pantheon Poets selection of extracts from the Aeneid. See the next episode here.
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