by Virgil
'Quisquis es, haud, credo, invisus caelestibus auras
The oracle of the swans brings good news to Aeneas
Aeneid Book 1, lines 387 - 409
by Virgil
'Quisquis es, haud, credo, invisus caelestibus auras
The oracle of the swans brings good news to Aeneas
Metamorphoses Book 1, lines 466-76 and 525-67
Metamorphoses Book 8, lines 846 - 884
Metamorphoses Book 13, lines 789 - 869
Georgics, Book 2, lines 458 - 474
Elegies, Book 4.7
Odes Book 1.34
Catullus 32
Georgics Book 3, lines 6 - 22 and 40 - 48