by Virgil
Nate, licet tristes animo deponere curas.
Aristaeus learns how to atone for his guilt and recover his bees
Georgics Book 4, lines 531 - 558
by Virgil
Nate, licet tristes animo deponere curas.
Aristaeus learns how to atone for his guilt and recover his bees
Metamorphoses Book 2, lines 150 - 177
by Ovid
Occupat ille levem juvenali corpore currum
Phaethon's ride in the chariot of the Sun begins.
Odes 1.6
Metamorphoses Book 6, lines 382 - 400
De Bello Civile Book 1, lines 125 - 157
by Lucan
Quis iustius induit arma
Lucan introduces the combatants at the beginning of his poem on the civil war
Metamorphoses Book 2, lines 178 - 216
by Ovid
Ut vero summo despexit ab aethere terras
Phaethon's disastrous ride in the chariot of the Sun continues
Odes 1.23
Odes 1.34
De Bello Civile Book 1, lines 213 - 234