Latin poems to know and love.

Aeneid Book 8, lines 678 - 684 and 714 - 731

The shield of Aeneas

by Virgil

hinc Augustus agens Italos in proelia Caesar

The decoration on Aeneas's new shield shows the future history of Rome, culminating in the triumphs of the Emperor Augustus

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Aeneid Book 9, lines 54 - 66

Turnus the wolf

by Virgil

clamorem excipiunt socii fremituque sequuntur

Turnus descends on the camp like a wolf on the sheep-fold

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Aeneid Book 10, lines 215 - 248


by Virgil

Iamque dies caelo concesserat almaque curru

Aeneas's ships, transformed into sea-nymphs, warn him that the Trojans are in danger.

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